Wednesday 13 May 2020

Types of Family Lawyers that You Should Know About!

Law is surely one of the most extensive fields of study with various types of law professionals, commonly referred to as lawyers, including, business lawyers, finance lawyers, tax lawyers, family lawyers, criminal lawyers, immigration lawyers, etc. 

In this piece of content, we will discuss one of the most significant types of lawyers, that is family lawyers. As the name suggests, family lawyers belong to the branch of law that deals with various family issues, such as divorce, domestic violence or abuse, child custody, adoption, and more. 

Though most of the people associate family lawyers primarily with divorces, family law is a vast area of practice and not only restricted to divorces. Based on different types of cases, there are different types of family lawyers. 

It is necessary to be aware of all these types as you never know when you might need them. Don't worry if you don't know about all of them as we will here discuss various types of family lawyers.  

5 Different Types Of Lawyers

There are five main types of family lawyers who represent families in court and draft legal documents. All these five sorts are discussed below. 

Divorce Lawyers 

Divorce lawyers are the most common types of family lawyers to assist you with divorce proceedings. As divorce cases involve various complexities and factors, a divorce lawyer helps you get the best possible results. 

Moreover, as there are different types of divorce cases, such as contested, uncontested, collaborative, fault, and no-fault, you must choose the divorce lawyer who specializes in the area of your case. However, if you can't afford the divorce attorney, you can get the help of a legal advocacy group to have a fair or impartial settlement.

Adoption Lawyers

Adoption lawyers are needed when a couple wants to go for adoption. Adopting a child involves legalities and paperwork for which adoption layers are hired. 

Such lawyers not only help you with all the legal paperwork, but they also help you find the adoption agencies. They also represent their clients in court in case any legal complication takes place. 

Paternity and Child Custody Lawyers
Whether it's about the question of paternity, gaining sole custody of a child, disputes concerning child support, or creating a parenting plan for a child after divorce, paternity lawyers deal with all such cases.  

They help their clients negotiating the expenses each parent is responsible for after their marriage breaks up. Furthermore, they help their clients prove their paternity. 

Civil Union Lawyers

Civil union lawyers help to develop a prenuptial agreement to people who are getting married. People who are going into a civil union or domestic partnership require civil union attorneys to get counsel on a business, assets, and other legal affairs. 

Moreover, they also help with a post-nuptial agreement to the couple who are already married. 

Family Lawyers For The Cases Involving Abuse

Domestic violence is a serious family issue that requires a family lawyer to file a case against the accused. They help victims to file restraining orders or to get monetary compensation for medical treatment or mental trauma. 

However, the attorney can also be hired by the accused parent to prove their innocence in the matter. 

So, these are five common types of family lawyers that you should know about, as family issues involving legal affairs can arise at any time. Having the knowledge of family law and the different types of family lawyers will help you choose the right attorney for your case.